2 名詞 2.1 可數與不可數名詞+集合名詞+複數變化


可數與不可數名詞Count and Noncount Nouns        Jessie Lin     P.1



單數:只有一個的時候稱做單數,前面一定要加冠詞如 a, the, this, my等。複數:兩個以上時叫做複數。複數的字尾多半要加s。複數時可以加數量詞如two, three等,也可以用some, a lot of 或many。



a :名詞的字首的發音是子音時,名詞前要加a。注意,u可能為子音字首。

a chair, a book, a plane, a meal, a university, a uniform

an:名詞的字首的發音是母音時,名詞前要加an。 但是要特別注意的是有些字母可能不發音,u可能為子音或母音。

an apple, an orange, an hour, an honor, an umbrella

注意:當名詞前有形容詞時,則要依形容詞的母音來決定是是加a 或an。

a red apple, an honest man, an old university, a yellow umbrella



  1. 一些相似的物件的總稱。如:furniture, baggage, luggage, food, fruit, clothing, garbage, junk, equipment, machinery, jewelry, mail, money, traffic
  2. 液體:water, coffee, tea, milk, soup, juice, beer, oil, gasoline, blood
  3. 固體:ice, bread, butter, cheese, meat, glass, paper, wood, wool
  4. 氣體:air, oxygen, carbon dioxide, smoke, pollution, smog
  5. 粒狀,粉狀物(particles):rice, corn, diet, flour, salt, sand, sugar
  6. 抽象概念:love, beauty, confidence, health, education, knowledge, music, advice, information, time, space, progress, peace, sleep, help
  7. 大自然現象:weather, rain, snow, thunder, lightning, sunshine, fire, heat


a bottle of water, a piece of furniture, a loaf of bread


可數與不可數名詞Count and Noncount Nouns        Jessie Lin     P.2



集合名詞為人時,多半為可數,如一個班級 a class,一個家庭 a family,一群觀眾 an audience,當把所有人視為一個整體時接單數動詞,重點放在所有的每個成員時則接複數動詞。也會有例外。而美式英語多把集合名詞接單數動詞。表達人的集合名詞如:family, team, club, class, crew, audience, committee,

group, staff, police, personnel, … 等。

事物或抽象概念的集合名詞則多為不可數。如:furniture, baggage, luggage, clothing, jewelry, music, poetry, food, … 等。

The Lin Family has its farm. 視為整體,所以用單數動詞

My family are all baseball fans. 表達全家人,用複數動詞

例外:police這個字永遠當複數,所以不可以說a police要用a police officer

The police are looking for the robber.

staff在美式英語只可接單數動詞,不可說a staff要用 a staff member

The entire staff has done an outstanding job this year.

The personnel have done an outstanding job this year.

The employees have done an outstanding job this year.

The employee has done an outstand job this year.


可數名詞:  fish魚,room房間,light電燈



clothes, pants, jeans, scissors這些字複數名詞,沒有單數,後面接複數動詞。

Those pants are mine.

news, politics, mathematics, measles這些字為不可數名詞,後面接單數動詞。

Mathematics is my favorite subject.

means, species, series, 這些字單複數同型,可以當單數,也可以當複數。

The only means of communication was sign language.

Over a hundred species of insect are found in this area.

(Cambridge 與 Longman 字典範例)






可數與不可數名詞Count and Noncount Nouns        Jessie Lin     P.3複數名詞的拼字與發音規則


1. 大部分的名詞在字尾加s。

stamp-stamps, letter-letters, camera-cameras, ticket-tickets

2. 當名詞字尾是s, ss, sh, ch, x, z時,則加es。

bus-buses, class-classes, dish-dishes, watch-watches, box-boxes, quiz-quizzes

3. 當名詞字尾為子音加y時,需將y去掉,加ies。

baby-babies, country-countries, city-cities, party-parties

4. 當名詞字尾為母音加y時,則只要加s,即可。

day-days, boy-boys, key-keys, tray-trays

5. 當名詞字尾為fe或f時,需將fe或f去掉,加ves。

wife-wives, life-lives, wolf-wolves, leaf-leaves

6. 有些名詞字尾為f,但是只要加s。

belief-beliefs, chief-chiefs, cliff-cliffs, roof-roofs

7. 當名詞字尾為子音加o時,需加es。母音加o時,則只要加s即可。

這個規則有例外,不確定時最好查字典。有些字如zeros, zeroes兩者都可。

tomato-tomatoes, potato-potatoes, zoo-zoos, radio-radios

8. 有些名詞複數的變化是不規則的,需特別記住。

child-children, person-people, woman-women, mouse-mice

9. 有些字的單複數同型

one deer-two deer, one fist-two fish, one means-two means, one series-two series, one species-two species

10. 有些自是外來字,複數字尾變化比較特別。

criterion-criteria, phenomenon-phenomena, fungus-fungi, stimulus-stimuli, analysis-analyses, basis-bases, crisis-crises, hypothesis-hypotheses, thesis-theses, bacterium-bacteria, datum-data, medium-media, memorandum-memoranda



1. 當名詞字尾是無聲子音如/k/, /p/, /t/,/θ/時,加s後,應讀做/s/。

book-books, lake-lakes, map-maps, student-students, month-months

2. 當名詞字尾是有聲子音如/r/, /n/, /l/,/d/等或母音時,加s後,應讀做/z/。

car-cars, pen-pens, hole-holes, hand-hands, law, laws, day-days

3. 當名詞字尾為/s/, /z/, / ʃ /, / tʃ /, / dʒ /時,加s後,應讀做/ ɪz/。要注意的是,發音時看的是最後一個音,而非最後一個字母,如place就是這一類。

bus-buses, house-houses, quiz-quizzes, dish-dishes, watch-watches, page-pages

對「2 名詞 2.1 可數與不可數名詞+集合名詞+複數變化」的想法

      • 1.根據牛津字典:
        ‘uncount noun
        【OPP】 count noun
        An uncount noun is the same as an uncountable noun.


        • 一般翻uncountable noun 或 noncount noun 兩個都可以。但不是你說的那個喔。


          剛剛去翻了手邊十幾本文法書,每一本文法書上都是上面兩個的其中一個,但完全沒有用到 uncount 這個字


          牛津字典有這個字,說是同義,那很好,表示這個字可以用,但是其他線上字典 Longman Dictionary, Cambridge Dictionary, Merrian-Webster 裡面都沒有 uncount 這個字。




      • 我可以收回『請不要亂教』這幾個字,不過請老師下次回答問題時務必百分之百確定答案才回答,以免造成其他老師麻煩。

        • 好吧,你還是說我亂教吧XD





  1. 請問orange juice應為不可數,但為何課本上例句中,卻又說 I have an orange juice!(書中人物正打開她的lunch box, 說出這句話)謝謝您

  2. 請問orange juice為不可數,但為何課本上,當主角把lunch box打開時,會說"I have an orange juice"也想知道scissors在說法上,是其前面一定要加上(I have )a pair of scissors嗎?或直接說(I have )scissors.即可?

    • orange juice跟coffee一樣,口語都可以當做可數名詞,所以可以說I’d like a coffee. scissors跟pants,clothes一樣在英文都永遠是複數,沒有單數形態,假如要數的時候用量詞去數。直接說scissors 或加上a pair of scissors都可以:)

    • 我我我對不起大家,是我打字打錯了,也可能是word自動校正,總之呢,我第一眼看到留言就猜應該是我校對能力太差,打錯了,果然,進去文章一看,不好意思,我真的打machine,暈倒,machine是可數名詞,可以加s。正確應該是machinery,長得很像,也是機器的意思,不過這個字是不可數,有大機械或者是裝置,機構的意思。


  3. pants, jeans, scissors,這些字複數名詞,沒有單數,後面接複數(名詞)。
    news, politics, mathematics, measles 這些字為不可數名詞,後面接單數(動詞)。

    • Thanks. I corrected it and gave a few more examples:)

      clothes, pants, jeans, scissors這些字複數名詞,沒有單數,後面接複數動詞。

      Those pants are mine.

      news, politics, mathematics, measles這些字為不可數名詞,後面接單數動詞。

      Mathematics is my favorite subject.

      means, species, series, 這些字單複數同型,可以當單數,也可以當複數。

      The only means of communication was sign language.

      Over a hundred species of insect are found in this area.

      (Cambridge 與 Longman 字典範例)

  4. 老師您好,

    I saw snow last night. (我看到雪,但並沒有指定是在哪裡,單純只是說明它昨晚看到的事)
    I saw the snow last night. (有指明是哪裡的雪,對話者可互相都知道the snow是指哪,根據上下文)

    I saw snow in Taipei. (在台北看到雪,單純只是描述過去的事實,沒有要強調的語氣)
    I saw the snow in Taipei. (在台北某個地點看到雪,強調是在某個地點,所以其它地方有可能有,有可能沒有)


    • 大致是我覺得統稱就說 snow ,就像你說有上下文彼此都知道的就要加 the,地點的話,我個人覺得還是要看表達的內容的上下文,跟地點比較沒有關係,跟實際還有上下文。限定跟非限定比較有關係


      Snow was falling heavily as we entered the village. 沒有特定,天上大雪

      I could see footprints in the snow. 特定的地方的雪腳印

      The town was buried under three feet of snow. 被雪蓋住

      Outside the snow was already melting. 外面特定的雪融化了。

      Outside the snow was already melting.


  5. 謝謝您。另外還有以下的有關抽象名詞使用the的問題,什麼時候需要加上the?

    The players all have confidence in their manager.
    a lack of confidence in the government.
    She has every confidence in her students’ abilities.

    He lacked the courage to try something new.
    I didn’t have the courage to tell him.
    Unfortunately, they lack the moral courage to speak out against what is happening.

    She displayed remarkable courage in the face of danger.
    He showed great calmness and courage under fire.

    She has every confidence in her students’ abilities.
    I didn’t have the courage to tell him.


    • 被考倒的潔西只能說不知道,不好意思。覺得應該是跟限定有關,有限定的話用 the ,但不是百分百確定。有關 the 的用法可以寫一整本書,有看過,但沒有都記住。網路上有關 the 的用法有很多,可以去查查看:)

  6. 哈囉!!老師您好 謝謝你願意打這麼多資料在網路上,冒昧請教有關表示種類的問題 像是(the police officer)的police或者是(a large cotton plantation一大片綿田)裡的cotton是代表種類嗎或者是甚麼樣的角色呢??表示種類時甚麼時候要用of甚麼時候可以直接這樣修飾,該如何區別呢??他們的詞性是名詞還是形容詞呢??看修飾語好像只可用形容詞並用副詞修飾,可是查字典這兩個字又是名詞,所以百思不得其解,謝謝老師的分享!

  7. 請問They read the Italian newspaper. 下一段有一句He reads American newspapers. 這兩句是文章中對比爸媽和小孩看不同的報紙. 為什麼第一句加the,報紙卻不加s. 報紙好幾張不是該加s嗎? 還有前一句有限定? 我查了google和好幾個網站, 都找不出答案. 麻煩你. 謝謝回覆

    • 遇到可數不可數時建議可以查一下字典通常就知道了,不過 elderly 比較特別,它是形容詞喔。所以字典頁面下面有 the elderly 是英文比較特殊的用法 the + 形容詞可以用來代表全部的…的人。the rich 有錢人,the poor 窮人,the elderly 老年人,因為是形容詞所以不會有變化,We should respect the elderly. 這樣就可以了。 https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/elderly


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