身體不舒服 Health Complaints



突然想到又補了上了。同學身體不舒服請不要說 I don’t feel comfortable.  英文的 comfortable 是舒適,舒服,比方說 Sitting on a sofa is more comfortable than sitting on a bench. 坐在沙發比坐板凳舒服。比方說外面又濕又冷的冬天,在家的床上可舒服是可以說 I was so comfortable and warm in bed I didn’t want to get up. 這是 longman dictionary 的範例。總之呢,假如說身體不舒服,請用 I don’t feel well. 或I feel sick. 不要忘了喔!希望大家都不必用到這個句子:)


再來提醒同學要整個句子句型一起記。不要只記單字,我頭痛不可以說I headache. 錯,要用固定用法 I have a headache. 為什麼要有a ,恩,這個呢,因為在英文裡面單數可數名詞前面一定要有一個冠詞像 a, the, my等等。為什麼sunburn不加a,因為很大片所以不可數,mosquito bites 因為蚊子一次都咬很多包,所以複數加s,那為什麼 insomnia 失眠不可數,不加a 或s,這,這,我就覺得很難解釋了,所以呢有時候同學真的不用想太多,要知道語言是arbitary,任意性的,真的沒有為什麼,就像法文的陰性跟陽性,法國人有時候也解釋不出來,所以呢就一個句子一個句子記,或者是以片語的方式,這樣才不會錯喔!加油!


Health Complaints


A. Common health complaints

a. 1. a headache  頭痛   2. a backache 背痛   3. a stomachache  胃痛

4. a toothache 牙痛  5. an earache 耳朵痛  6. sore muscles 肌肉酸痛

7. a sore throat 喉嚨痛 8. a cold 感冒 9. the flu 流行性感冒

10. a cough 咳嗽  11. a fever 發燒  12. a runny nose 流鼻水

13. a burn 燙傷   14. sunburn 晒傷 15. mosquito bites 蚊子

16. insomnia 失眠  17. the hiccups 打嗝 18. an allergy (to) 過敏

19. menstrual cramps 生理痛

b.  20. stressed out 壓力大 21. homesick 思鄉 22. itchy 癢

23. sore 酸痛的  24. allergic to 對…過敏的

c.  25. sneeze打噴嚏 26. cough 咳嗽

因為詞性不同,用法也不同。但是前面名詞的a,an, the, 或後面的s都不要忘了噢。

a. nouns名詞 :          I have a stomachache/headache./ I have mosquito bites. / I have sunburn.

b. adjectives形容詞     I feel sick/homesick/stressed.

My eyes are sore and itchy.

c. verbs動詞:           I can’t stop coughing. I sneeze all the time.

d. body parts身體部位:  My back hurts. / My eyes hurt.



B. 對話練習Not so good

A: How do you feel today?

B: Not so good/Terrible.

A: What’s wrong? / What happened?

B: I have a stomachache.

A: That’s too bad. / I’m sorry to hear that.

Get well soon. / Take good care.

B: Thanks a lot.


C. 不同種類給建議的方式Giving Advice

I have a terrible headache. Craig, what’s your advice?

1. It’s sometimes helpful to eat garlic soup.  喝大蒜湯

2. It’s important to drink a lot of liquids.  液體

3. It’s a good idea to put a heating pad on it.  熱敷墊

4. You should go home and take a long, hot bath.

5. I think it would be useful to put on some ointment. 擦藥膏

6. One thing you could do is stopping talking.

7. Try some herbal tea. It’s very relaxing.   花草茶

8. Why don’t you take some aspirin?  阿斯匹靈


D. 健康問題與建議Heath Complaints and Advice

  1. What should you do for a sore throat?

It’s a good idea to drink a lot of liquids.

  1. What should you do for a cough? It’s helpful to take some cough syrup.
  2. What should you do for a fever?

It’s sometimes helpful to put an ice pack on your forehead.額頭

  1. What should you do for a toothache? You should see a dentist.
  2. What should you do for sunburn?

It’s a sometimes helpful to take a cold shower.

  1. What should you do for a backache?

It’s a good idea to put a heating pad on your back.

  1. What do you suggest for dry skin? It’s important to use some lotion.
  2. What do you suggest for a bad headache? It’s useful to drink coffee.
  3. What do you suggest for sore muscles? You should go to the hot spring.
  4. What do you suggest for insomnia? Try to count sheep. It might work.
  5. What do you do when you feel very stressed?

I always listen to classical music when I’m stressed.

  1. What do you do when you have an argument with a friend?  吵架

I would walk away and talk to him or her again when we are calm.

  1. What do you do when it’s 2 A.M. and you can’t sleep?

It’s sometimes a good idea to take sleeping pills.

  1. What do you do when someone standing near you faints?  昏倒

I would send him/her to the hospital.

  1. What do you do when you need to study but you can’t concentrate?


It’s a good idea to take a shower to refresh.

  1. What do you do when you have a stomachache?

You should eat some crackers.

  1. What do you do when your eyes are itchy and red?

You should use some eye drops.

  1. What do you do when you have mosquito bites?

It’s a good idea to put some ointment on them.

  1. What do you do when you don’t have any energy?

It’s sometimes helpful to have some energy drink.

20. What do you do when you are homesick?

It’s a good idea to make a video call to your love ones.



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