

1 for 後面加一段時間(an hour, three days, five months, a long time)

I lived there for six years.

I studied for 2 hours.


2 in後面加一個特定的時間點,如月份,年,季節(January, 2010, spring)

We moved in February.

He graduated in 2009.


3 on後面加一個特定的時間點,如星期,節慶,特定日期( Saturday, weekend, Mother’s Day)

They went dancing on Monday.

I had a big party on my birthday.


4 from … to …表示從一個時間點到另一個時間點(hour, month, year)

between… and… 在…之間

They traveled in France from March to May.

I worked from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. yesterday.

From Monday to Friday, I get up at 7, so I always sleep in on weekends.

Between Monday and Friday, I get up at 7.


5 時間表達語+ ago 表示多久前(a week ago, seven years ago)

My family moved to Canada five years ago.

I ate lunch ten minutes ago.


6 until + 子句(主詞加動詞)+ 特定的時間點 表示直到….

I lived in Tainan until I was seven.

He waited until she had finished speaking.

until + 一個特定的時間

We lived there until 1999.

not until 強調一直到某個時間點前某件事都沒有發生或結束

She didn’t get up until noon.

He didn’t show up for work until 10 a.m.


7 then + 子句或句子(主詞加動詞)

I lived in Tainan. Then I moved to Taipei.

I lived in Tainan, and then I moved to Taipei.


8 when +子句(主詞加動詞)+ 特定的時間點 表示當…

I started school when I was seven.

They had a lot of fun when they were in high school.


9 in + 一段時間:表示從現在起一段期間後。在…之內。

I’ll meet you in ten minutes. 我在十分鐘後跟你碰面。

I’ll have the report ready in a week.

by + 時間點:表示不晚於某個時間點後。在…之前

I’ll get there by 9:00.  我會在九點前到。

I’ll have the report ready by Friday.


10 during, before, after + 一段期間:表示在某段期間中,在某段期間前或後

We left before lunch.

We slept during the flight.

We returned after the concert.


11 for + 一段其間

since + 時間點

I have worked for this company for three years.

I have worked for this company since 2007/ three years ago.


  1. Hi Jessie

    ex :__ all the applicants, the woman who came in dressed sloppily in blue jeans and a T-shirt has the most experience.
    空格答案是要填"Of " of all是對於所有,可是我填"To" To all 表對於所有的,我不知道那兒有誤,
    我對於此句的文意也不大懂,怎麼是穿著普普的牛仔褲與短袖上衣就是很有經驗的女士申請者呢? 是在工廠應徵嗎 (笑


    • to 通常是對於,但是of是在…之中,這邊指的是在所有的申請人當中,打扮的很邋遢,穿藍色牛仔褲跟T恤的女生是最有經驗的。形容詞子句who came in dressed sloppily in blue jeans and a T-shirt 用來修飾woman。有些人去面試穿著打扮比較隨意,這邊說的就是這樣,穿得比較隨便,然而比較有經驗。這樣的意思。

      介系詞有時候真的很難也沒什麼道理可以解釋,be interested in , be afraid of, 為什麼一個用in,一個用of,應該沒有一個外國人可以說得清吧,很多時候就只有當做慣用法來記,看到一個記一個,不用一次死背很多,因為最後還是會忘記啊!

  2. HI J老師

    she __ five years ago today; therefore, her request for a rise is definitely worth reviewing.
    答案是選 was prompted 過去式,我選擇 has been prompted,我覺得我被後面的therefore的現在簡單式給騙了,以為必需要前後時態一至。我的問題是,Q1.為何句型出現了was prompted(過去簡單)+today(現在時態)? Q2.這一句句型是生活型態的對話嗎?在描述一個人以前跟現在所以會出現這樣不同時態?


    • Q1. five years ago today 是連在一起的,五年前的今天,而不是分開看的喔

      Q2. 這種有therefore的句型感覺比較文章體,但是口說也不是不能這樣說。英文的時態本來就是都會混著用,課本上多半會把同樣的時態放在一起用,所以大家誤解的吧。口語的時態也常常混著用。

      You’ve lost weight. You look fantastic.
      I didn’t finish my project last night, so I’ll have to work late tonight.


      I saw the movie last week.
      I’ve seen the movie. Let’s watch another one.

      • 以前學習都是同時態在同一句子,現在題目做都是不同時態會在一起,端看文章的續述,謝謝J老師的解答。


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