形容詞子句 Adjective Clause

形容詞子句 Adjective Clause 又叫做關係子句 Relative Clause 是令很多人頭大的部分,因為主格,受格,所有格的關係代名詞不同,有時候可以省略,而且還有很愛到處即興演出的that出沒,所以很容易令人混淆。潔西盡量寫得簡潔清楚,大家參考一下,希望有幫助。


歡迎同學自行私下下載練習使用,但請勿任意轉載或公開使用,  潔西寫講義花了很多時間精力跟心血, 並且標明出處。雖然校對技巧很差,雖然裡面也可能有錯誤,呵呵,還是要尊重一下原作者喔,謝謝:) 又摘要使用的練習題來自下面的書,所有版權屬原公司所有。摘自Azar的Fundamentals of English Grammar,Longman的Grammar Express,Oxford的Oxford Practice Grammar,另外還有Cambridge的English Grammar in Use等書。

刑容詞子句Adjective Clauses 




a. 台北是個方便的城市。

b. 羅馬是個吸引很多遊客的城市。

c. 我的好朋友很健談。

d. 我住在美國的好朋友很喜歡談政治。

e. 那個長髮美女是我老婆。


A 修飾名詞


a. 形容詞adjective


May is a happy girl. May is an unhappy girl.

He is late. He became angry.


b. 形容詞子句adjective clause


New York is a city that never sleeps.

Someone who has a lot of friend is lucky.

Rome is a city that attracts a lot of tourists.


c. 介系詞片語preposition phrase


My brother is the man in the white suit.

Sandy is the tall woman with red hair.

Profess Wu is the tall man with a beard.




B 形容詞子句簡介與名詞解釋

1 形容詞子句的定義



The bride must wear something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue.

My sister who lives in the U.S. has two children.


2. 名詞解釋

a. 子句: 是由一組的字所組成,其中包括主詞與動詞,可能為獨立或非獨立子句。


b. 獨立子句: 是一個完整的句子,其中包括主要的主詞與動詞,語意完整,可以單獨



c. 非獨立子句: 是一個不完整的句子,如名詞子句,形容詞子句,副詞子句。由從屬



d. 形容詞子句: 是一個非獨立子句,由關係代名詞或關係副詞帶領的子句,用來修飾



e. 關係代名詞:也叫做形容詞子句代名詞。形容詞子句必須用關係代名詞帶領子句來跟獨立子句結合。關係代名詞放在形容詞子句的最前面,有who, whom, which, that,跟whose。關係副詞有when與where。


f. 先行詞: 形容詞子句所修飾的獨立子句的名詞或代名詞叫做先行詞。形容詞子句多


My sister who lives in the U.S. has two children. 這個句子中

獨立子句/主要子句:My sister has two children.

非獨立子句/形容詞子句:who lives in the U.S.,用來修飾sister



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B. 形容詞子句簡介與名詞解釋

g. 限定性形容詞子句: 用來辨別,限定前面的先行詞所以是必要的,不可省略,子句前後都不可以有逗點。

h. 非限定性形容詞子句: 用來修飾前面的先行詞,給與額外的資訊,所以可以省略,


限定子句:My sister who lives in the U.S. has two children.   (我有幾個姊姊其中一個有兩個小孩)

非限定子句:My sister, who lives in the U.S., has two children.  (我只有一個姊姊,她有兩個小孩)

C. 學習形容詞子句的重點






1. 關係代名詞的位置


a. 形容詞子句可能在句中也可能在句尾。

I have a friend who speaks five languages.

My friend who lives in Switzerland speaks five languages.

b. 形容詞子句假如沒有緊接著先行詞容易造成誤解。

He left the car on the street that he had just bought.

He left the car that he had just bought on the street. (比較清楚)

c. 形容詞子句有少數不直接跟在先行詞後面。通常是先行詞後有介系詞片語時,為了


The first thanksgiving feast in the United States, which took place in 1621

lasted three days.

d. 形容詞子句也可以用來修飾整個句子,這時用which來帶領形容詞子句,一定放在句尾,一定為非限定。

The team won the championship, which shocked the opponents.

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C. 學習形容詞子句的重點

2. 選擇正確的關係代名詞:


a. 主格

My sister lives in Canada.  My sister has two children.

My sister who has two children lives in Canada.

b. 受格

My sister lives in Canada. You talked to my sister last night.

My sister whom you talked to last night lives in Canada.

c. 所有格

My sister lives in Canada.  My sister’s children are doctors.

My sister whose children are doctors lives in Canada.


關係代名詞 :人    who, whom, whose, that 事,物  which, whose, that

關係副詞:    時間  when                   地方       where

主詞(主格) 受詞(受格) 介係詞+受詞 形容詞


限定 who








that… to

X…  to

to whom

事,物 which





which …to

that…  to

X…   to

to which

非限定 , who , whom , whom …to , whose
事,物  , which , which , which… to , whose

上面粗體字為正式用法,寫作時多用正式用法, X 表示省略

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C. 學習形容詞子句的重點

2. 選擇正確的關係代名詞:

填入正確的關係代名詞:who, that, which, whose, whom或省略

  1. The people _________ moved into town are Italian.
  2. The lamp _________ I bought downtown is beautiful but quite expensive.
  3. Everyone __________ came to the audition got a part in the play.
  4. Rice is the teacher ____________ class I enjoy most.
  5. The man _____________ I found in the doorway had collapsed from heat exhaustion.
  6. I like the people with _______ I work.
  7. I have a friend ___________ father is a famous artist.
  8. The camera ___________ I bought takes very sharp pictures.
  9. Students _________ have part-time jobs have to budget their time very carefully.
  10. Flying squirrels __________ live in tropical rain forests stay in the trees their entire lives without ever touching the ground.
  11. The people ________ car I dented were a little upset.
  12. The person to _________ you should send your application is the Director of Admissions.
  13. Monkeys will eat almost anything _________ they can find.

3. 不要重複關係代名詞與代表的主詞,受詞或所有格


Scott is someone who he loves sports.

Scott is someone who loves sports.

Scott is the man whose his dog barks all day.

Scott is the man whose dog barks all day.

Scott is the writer whom I saw him on TV.

Scott is the writer whom I saw on TV.

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C. 學習形容詞子句的重點

4. 形容詞子句中的動詞與主詞一致


a. 當關係代名詞是主格時,依先行詞做變化

Ben is my friend who lives in Boston.

Al and Ed are my friends who live in Boston.

b. 當關係代名詞是所有格時,依所有格+名詞,就是形容詞子句中的主詞做變化。

He’s the man whose dog barks all day.

He’s the man whose dogs bark all day.

c. 當關係代名詞是受格時,依形容詞子句中的主詞而變化。

I like the columns which he writes.

I like the column which they write.


  1. People _________ __________ (have) moved a lot have few friends.
  2. People _________ __________ (have) lived in the same place have more friends.
  3. The qualities ________ ________ (be) most important in a friend are loyalty, warmth, and the ability to keep secrets.
  4. Someone _________ ________ (face) a crisis turns to friends before family.
  5. Betrayal is the cause ___________ ____________ (be) most often response for ending a friendship.
  6. Many people have friends __________ social or religious backgrounds _________ (be) different from theirs.
  7. Most people __________ friends __________ (include) members of the opposite sex say that these relationships are different from relationships with people of the same sex.
  8. A survey _______ ____________ (appear) in a magazine may not represent everyone.
  9. Someone ________ ___________ (not read) the magazine might have other ideas.

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C. 學習形容詞子句的重點

5. 限定與非限定形容詞子句

a. 限定子句 Restrictive(Identifying) Clause

用來定義或辨認(identify)先行詞,缺少這個限定子句時語義會不清楚,所以限定子句不可省略,不可使用逗號。that 只可以用在限定子句。

Every culture in the world has special days that people observe with traditional food, customs, and events.

b. 非限定子句 Nonrestrictive (Non-identifying) Clause


My favorite holiday is Moon Festival, which is on August 15 of the lunar calendar.


  1. I bought a cell phone. I can use it to send and receive e-mail.


  1. My new cell phone has become a necessary part of life. I only bought it a month ago.


  1. Now, there are psychologists. They help technophobes use technology.


  1. Michelle Weil wrote a book about “technostress.” She is a psychologist.


  1. A lot of people suffer from technostress. Those people work in my office.


  1. Some people dream of a job. They can do the job without technology.



  1. (that Claire drives) This car is a lot cheaper than the one _______________.

8.(who has twins) Olivia _____________________ often need a babysitter.

  1. (who took Rita to the party) The person _____________________ was Tom.
  2. (who has a bad temper) Henry __________________ shouted at the waiter.
  3. (which Tom supports) The team _______________________ is United.
  4. ( who is afraid of heights) We all climbed up except Vicky ______________.


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D. 關係代名詞的受格的位置

關係代名詞的受格可作為介係詞的受詞。最正式的用法將介係詞放在關係代名詞前 (此時只可用whom代表人,which代表事物,不可以用who、that也不可以省略),非正式時將介係詞放在句尾,關係代名詞可省略。

The candidate for whom I voted lost the election.          Formal

The candidate whom I voted for lost the election.

The candidate who I voted for lost the election.

The candidate that I voted for lost the election.

The candidate I voted for lost the election.              Informal

F. 關係代名詞的省略


  1. 可以省略的:限定子句中的受格與when。

That’s the man (whom) I love.

I remember the day (when) I met him.

  1. 不可省略的:非限定子句中的所有關係代名詞,限定子句中的主格、所有格與where。

I remember Max, who I visited often.

He is my friend who lives in New York.

That’s the writer whose books I like very much.

That’s the school where I work.

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G. 關係副詞where



當要表示在某個地點(城市,國家,房間)時,常會用方位介系詞 in,on, at 等加上地點來表示。比方說I am at home. My father is in his office.  The book is on the table.

關係副詞where的用法其實就是在形容詞子句表達地點時,因為which是用來代替相同的事或物,當which作為受格的關係代名詞時,原本放在最後面的介系詞,在正式用法時可以移到which的前面,這時候 “介系詞 + 受格which ” 就可以用where來代替。所以where 可能相當於at which, in which, on which等。


可以想做是That’s is the library. 與 She works in the library. 這兩個句子的合併。

That’s the library which she works in.  重複的是受詞的library,可以用which代替。

That’s the library in which she works.  正式用法可以把介系詞in放到which前面。

That’s the library where she works.   在這裡可以用 where 取代 in which。

That’s the library that she works in.  在這裡which 可以用that 代替,意思相同。

That’s the library she works in.  受詞的that 跟which都可以省,所以這裡只剩下in。

因為where相當於“介系詞 + which ”,所以並不是所有地點都可以用where代替。當形容詞子句的地點是主格時,不會有介系詞,就只能用which,不可以用where。形容詞子句中一定要有介系詞加上受格which時,才可以用where代替。常見錯誤是誤用where來取代主格的which。


I was born and grew up in Taipei. (1)        Taipei is the capital of Taiwan. (2)


I was born and grew up in Taipei, which is the capital of Taiwan.

第二種合併方式,用第二個句子當主要子句,因為第一個句子中有in Taipei,所以可以用where來帶領形容詞字句。又有逗點時不可以用in which,只可以用where。

Taipei, which I was born and grew up in, is the capital of Taiwan.

Taipei, where I was born and grew up, is the capital city of Taiwan.

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H. 關係副詞when


當要表示在某個時間(年,日,時間等)時,常會用時間介系詞 at, in, on 等加上時間來表示。

比方說I get up at 8.  He graduate in June.  We met on my birthday.

關係副詞when的用法其實就是在形容詞子句表達時間時,因為which是用來代替相同的事或物,當which作為受格的關係代名詞時,原本放在最後面的介系詞,在正式用法時可以移到which的前面,這時候 “介系詞 + 受格which ” 就可以用when來代替。所以when可能相當於at which, in which, on which等。除了將介系詞放在which前外,其他用法時介系詞都會省略掉。


可以想做是 I remember the day. 與 I met him on that day. 這兩個句子的合併。

I remember the day. I met him on that day.

I remember the day which I met him (on). 重複的是受詞day,可用which代替,on可以省略

I remember the day on which I met him. 正式用法可以把介系詞on放到which前,不可省。

I remember the day when I met him. 這裡可以用 when 取代 on which。

I remember the day that I met him (on).  這裡which 可以用that 代替,意思相同,on可省

I remember the day I met him (on).  受詞的that 跟which都可以省略,on也可以省略。

因為when相當於“介系詞 + which ”,所以並不是所有時間都可以用when代替。當形容詞子句的地點是主格時,不會有介系詞,就只能用which,不可以用when。形容詞子句中一定要有介系詞加上受格which時,才可以用when代替。


People go back to work on Monday. (1)   The most stressful day of the week is Monday. (2)


People go back to work on Monday, which is the most stressful day of the week.

第二種合併方式,用第二個句子當主要子句,因為第一個句子中有on Monday,所以可以用when來帶領形容詞字句。又有逗點時不可以用on which,只可以用when。

The most stressful day of the week is Monday, which people go back to work (on).

The most stressful day of the week is Monday, when people go back to work.

基礎文法L10 第十二章 形容詞子句Adjective Clauses Jessie Lin   P.11

練習題答案Answer key

A. 形容詞與形容詞子句

1. 翻譯練習

a. Taipei is a convenient city.

b. Rome is a city that attracts a lot of tourists.

c. My best friend is talkative.

d. My best friends who lives in the U.S. likes to talk politics.

e. The beautiful woman with long hair is my wife.

C. 學習形容詞子句的重點


1. who/that 2. that/which/x 3. who/that 4. whose 5. whom/who/that/x

6. whom 7. whose 8. that/which/x 9. who/that 10. that/which

11. whose 12. whom 13. that/which/x

4. 形容詞子句中的動詞

1. who(that), have   2. who(that), have 3. that(which), are 4. who(that), faces

5. that(which), is 6. whose, are 7. whose, include 8. that(which), appears/appeared/has appeared 9. who(that), doesn’t read/hasn’t read

5. 限定與非限定形容詞子句

1. I bought a cell phone I can use to send and receive e-mail.

2. My new cell phone, which I bought a month ago, has become a necessary part of


3. Now, there are psychologists who(that) help technophobes use technology.

4. Dr. Michelle Weil, who is a psychologist, wrote a book about “technostress.”

5. A lot of people who work in my office suffer from technostress.

6. Some people dream of a job they can do without technology.

7. This car is a lot cheaper than the one that Claire drives.

8. Olivia, who has twins, often needs a babysitter.

9. The person who took Rita to the party was Tom.

10. Henry, who has a bad temper, shouted at the waiter.

11. The team which Tom supported is United.

12. We all climbed up except Vicky, who is afraid of heights.

對「形容詞子句 Adjective Clause」的想法

  1. 潔西您好以下部分沒有解答!!!可以麻煩補上嗎?

    C. 學習形容詞子句的重點

    2. 選擇正確的關係代名詞:

    填入正確的關係代名詞:who, that, which, whose, whom或省略

  2. 那請問 第一句是否也可以用
    That’s the men that i love?

    due to Cindy has approvel to commit and therefore i have committed it.
    以上這句現在完成式用法對嗎?commit 可用在現在完成式?

    The meeting has been cancelled since 2 hours ago.指這個會議已經取消兩個小時了。
    I doubt that “be cancelled" can be used as “狀態動作或持續動作", so I guess this is a wrong sentence. (not very sure)
    I would say the following:
    It has been 2 hours since the meeting was cancelled.
    The meeting was cancelled 2 hours ago.


    • 不好意思,我也看得很迷糊,due to 是個片語後面應該要加名詞,不會加子句的,所以假如是其他網站的就麻煩你到其他網站討論了,最近腦袋很不靈光,所以就不參與討論了。


      • 抱歉造成您的困擾,(撇開剛剛說別地方討論的句子)
        due to 那句是我自己打的…沒注意過不可以這樣用!!!sorry
        that’s is the men whom i love.
        這句也可以that 代替 whom 或是省略 沒錯吧?
        I do not doubt that he will succeed.


        • 語文這個東西會一直演變,大家都是越來越偷懶,可以懂就好了,就像中文我們也不會每個字都說,常常覺得大家會懂的字就會省略掉。

          That is the man whom I love. 這是最正式的書寫。
          That’s the man who I love. 口語常常會把 whom 改成 who
          That’s the man that I love. 口語照理說這樣也可以,但是我自己覺得也不會這樣說,兩個that很繞舌
          That’s the man I love. 口語這樣說比較簡潔,我想是因為 that 跟 who 本身都沒有實際的意思,所以省略也不影響理解。


          I do not doubt that he will succeed. 這個句子 that 帶領的叫做名詞子句,不是形容詞子句。

          我想你把名詞子句的 that 跟 形容詞子句的 that 弄混淆了。

          that he will succeed 整個適當名詞子句,是 doubt 的受詞。所以完全不能替換其他關係代名詞。



    • 你好,Ken所說的例句中 I do not doubt that he will succeed 這裡的that 不是關代,而是引導名詞子句的純連接詞 🙂

      • 謝謝你,其實上面有說到了,然後可能沒看到忘記回了。很多人會混淆是因為tht可以帶領名詞子句,但是也可以當形容詞子句的關係代名詞。但是關係代名詞帶領形容詞子句,所以不能互換:)

  3. 老師你好, 上述內容有一個地方我看不太懂:
    “第二種合併方式,用第二個句子當主要子句,因為第一個句子中有in Taipei,所以可以用where來帶領形容詞字句。又有逗點時不可以用in which,只可以用where。"
    Taipei, which I was born and grew up in, is the capital of Taiwan.
    Taipei, where I was born and grew up, is the capital city of Taiwan.

    請問這一例句為什麼不可以用 in which? 只可以用 where?

  4. 老師您好,看了您的文章覺得受益良多,想請問您在講解關於when這個關係副詞的用法時,on為何可以省略呢?是只屬於when的特殊用法嗎?
    If Ken didn’t give you what you needed, you couldn’t go to the masquerade ball. 這裡的needed為何不是用need呢?謝謝您的講解了~~

    • 你好,on在這邊可以省略是用在形容詞字句中的特殊用法

      所以when可能相當於at which, in which, on which等。除了將介系詞放在which前外,其他用法時介系詞都會省略掉。

      看時間,假如是時間點省略掉的會是at,月份年省略掉的會是 in




      • 老師您好,謝謝您關於when的講解,另外那個句子,是我改寫課本上的練習句,在高一的課本上有一課的文法是在講與現在事實相反的假設,附有改寫的練習句,如下:
        Cinderella’s godmother gives Cinderella what she needs, so she is able to go to the party.
        →If Cinderella’s godmother didn’t give her what she needed,Cinderella could not go to the party.

        • 了解。就我自己的認知的話,我會覺得給這個動詞因為給了,所以就變成過去式了。所以我自己會造的句子就會是 If Cinderella’s godmother hadn’t given her what she needed, Cinderella couldn’t have gone to the party. 這裏的 needed 是過去需要。假如是你上面那個句子的話,大概也只能解釋成if後面的假設語氣用過去式,所以跟著用過去式吧。不太確定。不過說實在,故事,像這種童話故事,比較常用過去式來描述,我自己覺得。用現在式說也不是沒有,不過課本裡面這樣用,恩,我自己覺得有點怪。可能我說錯了也不一定。我也不知道作者的意思跟我想的一不一樣。或許看看出版社,寫信去問出版社或作者可能最快又最正確喔:)

  5. 離題一問…..periscop 的釋義a long vertical tube containing a set of mirrors which gives you a view of what is above you when you look through the bottom of the tube.
    這句我看起來眼睛好花….子句跟連接詞 ..糟糕 不太知道怎麼問….
    (long vertical tube + containing a set of mirrors) + (which gives you a view of what is above you)+ (when you look through the bottom of the tube)

    應該是像括號裡這樣看嗎? 表達能力太差 不好意思…..

    • 應該沒錯

      containing a set of mirrors 分詞片語修飾 (a long vertical) tube

      which gives you a view of what is above you 形容詞子句修飾 (a long vertical) tube

      what is above you 名詞子句

      when you look through the bottom of the tube 副詞子句

  6. Hi 我有一個關代子句逗號的問題想要問~~

    I don’t know the woman who is talking to Sherry on the corner.



    • 加了逗號是非限制,表示補充說明,有沒有都可以。



      I don’t like Tom, who is my new neighbor.


      • 所以我上述的情況即便是我清楚指著那個女生而我們雙方都已經知道我說的the woman就是我們都知道是眼前的這個女生, 然後我要將它寫下來像是 I pointed and said to Jessie “I don’t know the woman [ ]who is talking to sherry on the corner." 這樣仍然不需要加嗎? 因為情境已經是雙方都知道而且明確指出了


        • 限定是必要的,沒有的話意思會不清楚不明白。

  7. 請問,您舉例的句子,下面可以省略尾巴的介係詞
    I remember the day which/that I met him (on).
    I remember the day on which I met him.
    那這句可以省略in嗎 ?
    Taipei, which I was born and grew up in, is the capital of Taiwan.

    另外請問,when有非限定的句子嗎 ?

    • 記得沒錯的話只有時間的介系詞 on 可以省略,地點的介系詞是不會省略的。

      when 的非限定子句例子裡面就有了
      The most stressful day of the week is Monday, when people go back to work.

      • 請問你文章中我提及的,on which不能用在逗點的時後,我就一直有個認知是"介係詞+關代"不能用在有逗點的時後
        Betty, with whom I drive to work with every day, is a very nice girl.
        Stratford-on-Avon, about which many people have written, is Shakespeare’s birthplace.
        // In formal written English, you can also put the preposition before the pronoun

        “第二種合併方式,用第二個句子當主要子句,因為第一個句子中有on Monday,所以可以用when來帶領形容詞字句。又有逗點時不可以用on which,只可以用when。
        The most stressful day of the week is Monday, which people go back to work (on).
        The most stressful day of the week is Monday, when people go back to work."

        I live in London, which has some fantastic parks.
        People go back to work on Monday, which is the most stressful day of the week(on).

        或者一種可能,他後面的in省略了I live in London, which has some fantastic parks(in).

        • 我自己看過很多文法書,文法書上說的內容不一樣的也有,A本說可以這樣說,B本說不可以這樣說。所以呢,我覺得就多看多聽多讀。我說的寫的參考的只是某本文法書,也不一定是最正確的,但是我的印象中是一般而言關係代名詞的 , 也就是非限定後面是不會加介系詞的,至於你舉的例子就是看出處,正規文法書出的,那或許有些文法書有不同的用法,網頁網友寫的或許是不正式用法。不太建議在網路上找文法的規則細節,除非你知道是像 British Council 或 BBC Learning English 這類專門在說語言學習的。我自己寫的東西也多半是參考我看的文法書,雖然很不負責任,但是某個地方也有說,也不一定百分百正確,當然不會故意寫我覺得不正確的東西,但是呢,真的就是不同書有不同說法。這種很細的點我真的覺得不用話太多時間去鑽研。看得夠多大概就可以得到印證就知道了。然後你的那個句子合併是錯的。 I live in London. London has some fantastic parks. 合併在一起的時候不會有 in 。I live in London, which has some fantastic parks. 或 London, where I live, has some fantastic parks. 或 London, whihc I live in, has some fantastic parks. 其實跟我舉的例子是相同的道理。然後不好意思,只能回答到這裡了。相關的還有問題就恕不在作答。


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